February 06, 2017

Bigelow Dumpster Home (176 Sq Ft)

dumpster tiny home

I've seen a lot of unusual houses in my time, but this tiny house made from a dumpster is up there among the most unusual.

A couple from Arizona, Jamie and Brad Bigelow, decided to build themselves a vacation home on their friend's ranch but wanted to keep things inexpensive. So they opted to purchase an old dumpster for $800 and set about renovating it. Since Brad it a contractor, the couple was able to do most of the work themselves and finished the home for around $13,000. They used old scaffolding planks for the deck, a generator for the home's electricity, and have an outhouse nearby for all their lavatory needs.

Be sure to check them out on Instagram @bigelowbuilt

dumpster tiny home

dumpster tiny home

dumpster tiny home

Images © Brad and Jamie Bigelow, via Today

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